Tuesday, September 16, 2008

trying my patience

So I have entered the world of special education. I have always enjoyed the LD little buggers because they march to a different beat. BUT I will tell you what when you are spending all day with them and just them it is whole different ball game.
One of my little darlings shouted out in class the first week of school "Am I in special ed or not?" Oh yes baby you are!
The same little angel today was trying my patience, actually he has been since about day 3. During ELA I told my students they had to write 2 complete sentences before they could leave for lunch. (Now I know 2 sentences sounds like nothing but I am telling you that was asking for a lot.) "Joey" right away stated "I'm done."
"Let me see. No you are not, you have to write two sentences."
"I did."
"She didn't want a brother, is only one sentence. You need two."
"You don't have to get smart with me."

Excuse me...since when is correcting a student getting smart with them. You my darling are trying my patience. (I of course didn't say this but I wanted to say much, much more. Thank goodness for filters.)

Saturday, September 13, 2008


As I am impending on the next big adventure....Deuce. I was reminded by a friend about my "favorite" past-time pumping.
Now granted a woman has the choice to buy formula or use the girls. For my first son I used the girls. I had read all the articles about how good it was for the baby, my friends were doing it, it was "natural", etc. The bottom line for me became the bottom line (my husband is wearing off on me). Formula is expensive and if I pumped, we saved money. I figured the money I saved from pumping entitled me to buy myself and Jack treats. Thus the "pumping" adventure began.
My little bugger didn't want to do things naturally at first so all I could do was pump. During this year I became a master at the activity. I did it everywhere.
The black bag became my personal sidekick. I managed to do it under my shirt so the only thing you could see was Madonna like protruding objects and of course my hands there and the "shish, shish, shish" for the entire period. I once pumped during a meeting. Granted it was all ladies, I said I have to take a break and they suggested I just do it there. SOOO we continued to conduct business ad mist the shish,shish, shish. I had countless conversations with friends on the phone. "Are you pumping?" I graded papers while doing this. I sat at my desk working on report cards. That time the custodian walked in and then walked right back out... Another time I sat in the ladies room, on the floor because my battery pack had died and that was the only plug. My friends from college died in hysterics when we were on the way to a bachlorette party in Canada and I pumped. I pumped in my car, friends cars, and a bus. I even pumped while I was driving one time. Needless to say my modesty went out the window and pumping was my life.
I was reminded of this by a friend who shared that someone was on a field trip and had to take their pump. I laughed and smiled at the thought of it. Then I realized I am going to have to do it all again!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Arch nemesis

I have decided I have an arch nemesis.

In super hero fashion an arch nemesis goes out of the way to "thwart" the heroes plan, destroy them and generally ruin life for them.
Now I am far from being a super hero. However being a teacher does require you to tap into "super powers" such as seeing the good in things, miraculously doing more than one thing at a time, seeing all around you, and over course super strength to juggle it all.
When you have an arch nemesis in the "Teacher world" they aren't necessarily evil but annoying to the max. However I have to say that I would like to use my super powers to throw her off the building, turn her into ice and rid the world of the annoyance. However that would not be super hero-like. I know I should hope that I can bring them around from the dark side......

Not gonna happen, at least not for a while. =)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

day 1 life as a special ed teacher

So after nine years of freaking out and fretting over the first day of school, I think it may have ended. Or at least for a little while. As a resource room teacher the general ed teachers don't want me to take their kids. They want them to get used to them. Although they were all very welcoming it was weird because it never felt like I should be there. With all that said it was an easy day, I walked around and floated in and out of rooms.
I cannot say I have had an easier day....ever!!
I know it won't last so I won't hold my breath but so far so good. On the other hand I miss the craziness, the need to be DOING....
We shall see.