Thursday, October 30, 2008

Letting it go

So I hate when I know there are people that don't like me or are even mad at me.

I have had a parent call and complain about me twice now. Apparently I am mean and all I do is yell. Now I will admit I get after this child but it is because it is needed, but I don't think I really YELL at him. When venting to friends they reminded me that this is not really someone that their opinion ranks HIGH on the list. YET this makes me crazy.

I also had someone who I considered to be a very good friend, stop talking to me. I kind of figured it was because I had some how inadvertingly hurt their feelings. Although I know I didn't do it intentionally. So I reached out today hoping that either my gut was wrong or she told me. Well she did. I had said something insensitive. I didn't say it to her, I said it on facebook. I apologized but I feel absolutely horrible.

My mouth has gotten me into trouble before. My emotions get me into trouble. How do I get myself out of it. AND how do I stop feeling guilty? There are lots of people that can just let things roll off their back. I am not one of those people but I wish I could be!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

My hair

So in my attempt to save money this weekend, I Miss Clarliol'ed my hair. Generally I go to a salon and get highlights, I wanted an all over color until Duece comes along. So I thought why not. I bought a brown with red tints, thought it would look pretty natural.
Well thank god I only left it on for 10 minutes because I look like bozo the clown. It is red, I don't mean a little red, I mean RED! I cried when I first got out of the shower. My husband responded with "It doesn't look that bad." I have decided to embrace it...well kind of. I am washing it with Prell, which will strip the color.

As I walked the hallways today I got mixed reviews.
1. "Hey Red! " ~Eric Petro
2. "Cute hair." Suzy and Arin
3. Did you see Mrs. Fisher died her hair? ~two sixth grade boys as they laughed
4. Mrs. Fisher? ~ Nia with her eyes BUGGING out of her head.
5. "You're hair is red-cool! " ~Gage
6. Why did you do that? ~ Alexis
7. Check you out, sassy. ~ 2e

So I am taking it in stride, enough adult women seemed to think it looked okay. Middleschoolers have no fashion anyway.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

life with a toddler

So everyday is a new adventure...or at least a comic episode. The following are just two examples of how our weekend went.

Jack has taken an interest in "potty", which I am in favor of. I potty-trained early so my hope is that my son is not like most boys and is easily potty trained. He has yet to actually use the potty however he has been telling us after he does his business and then asks for the potty. SO we have been indulging. He also has been making sure that his doll "Franky" goes potty too. Which generally means he takes Franky's very expensive diapers off, takes him in the bathroom and holds him over the toilet. He then wipes Franky's crotch with toilet paper and throws it in the toilet. He has done this several times. My mistake was leaving him unattended in the bathroom so I could call Tom in to see how cute this was. When I arrived back in the bathroom, literally 2 seconds later, Franky was fully submerged in the toilet! When I said "What are you doing? Franky doesn't go IN the potty." Jack looked up at me with those sweet innocent eyes and said "Baff."

Then today we decided that we should go to church. Jack was being very good, sitting by himself. But he is in this independent stage in which he constantly says "No mama, me." This translates to "I want to do it by myself." So like all good Catholic masses we were up and down, so Jack of course had to get up and down from the pew all by himself. I am sure all of you can imagine where this is going....well he lost his balance and did a perfect fact plant on the leg of the kneeler. He now has a huge purple bruise on his right cheek. But after the crying stopped we went back in. When we were kneeling, he of course had to do it too. I was trying to hold on to him so that he didn't fall again. I swear he said "I fine, mama." as he pushed my hands away. I of course still hovered but would you expect any less?

Needless to say my sweet little boy is very independent and smart. Pray for me! =)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Okay I literally just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

How do you not know that your nose is completely surrounded by dried boogers? How does it not feel disgusting? Why is it like that? Why should I be the one to point this out?

EWWWWWW. I am sitting next to one of my students and his nose is crusted with boogers. Now my son gets them but he isn't even two! This kid is a fourth grader!! And to make matters worse his nails are black, not a little line of dirt under them but black!!!

A bath is calling someones name, I just hope they hear it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Those dedicated readers you know that I am with child. I am at that weirdo stage where although I am starting to look pregnant, I don't. I just look fat. Now as a big girl, looking fat is never a good thing. So at all cost I try to avoid that. I have thought of wearing a sign "No, I am not just gaining weight again. There's a baby cooking." But I have opted for no sign.

A good friend reminded me today that it could be worse. You see I teach in a middleschool. The middleschool is a great place to spot fashion mistakes. There was a young lady who is "chubby", her shirt was soo short her fat roll hung out the bottom. Another girl had on solid gold dancer, gold spandex, under way TOOO short shorts. Jeans so tight they can't move have also been spotted lately.

I guess at least I have an excuse! =)