Thursday, July 30, 2009

Musings of a Mommy

So I think that my oldest may be getting a touch of sibling rivalry. Whenever we are talking to, holding, etc his younger brother he has to insert himself completely into Ryan's face or our faces. While I don't want him to feel left out I have a thing about personal space. I am not a fan of "close talkers" and that is precisely what Jack has been doing. Not sure what to do about it...

I have been reading books on parenting. It suggested asking them if they understand instead of chance to say NO. So I tried works but the book never said what to do when they do say NO. Especially when it is something you know they understand-like pick up your toys.

The things Jack has been saying lately that humor me
  • watch me, you watch me
  • no monsters in der?
  • I'm (fill in the blank: fireman, superman, etc) you (fill in the blank)
  • That's my favorite
  • You my friend? He's my friend.
  • My broder sleeping, bit, (which means spit up....I kept tell him Ryan can't bite yet) crying, etc.

Ryan is growing like a weed. He is not even four months yet and he is starting to bust out of 6 month clothes. He also has so many fat rolls in his chin he has what can only be called a diaper rash between the rolls. =( He is starting to coo and laugh constantly which is so fun to watch. He is so good natured.

All in all I am feeling completely blessed.

Monday, July 13, 2009

7-12 Thing that are cute and funny now

May not be as funny or cute in 10-15 years.

We have several close friends that their children are close in age to Jack and Ryan. We have spent tons of time together with the kids and they play very well together and they in turn are pretty close. This past weekend we found ourselves laughing because we realized these children will be life-long friends and these behaviors may not be funny later.

  • They take baths together, all six of them have seen each other naked multiple times. After bath they partake in streaking through my house.
  • Being helpful Jack and Alex tried to catch a naked Andi and hold her so she could get her diaper on.
  • Jack was lifting Anderson's shirt to kiss her belly, then Anders on lifted her own shirt so he could kiss her belly.
  • I was defending Jack because he was kissing and hugging all his friends and they were tired so they were getting tired. Tom yelled at Jack and I said "He is just being affectionate." I was reminded by our friends that when Jack is a teenager and I walk in on him with his friends he may try to use "I was just being affectionate."

Needless to say they keep us entertained.

Friday, July 10, 2009

another day in the neighborhood -7-10

So we are currently in the midst of potty training. So there is a lot of talking about potty going on.

The last night Tom and Jack were in the bathroom. Jack had been in a pull up and doing pretty well. From the bathroom I overhear this conversation.

Poo-poo goes in the potty! Not in your pants, not on the floor! In the potty!!. Tom
Poo-poo goes in the potty?? ~Jack
That's right, poo-poo potty. Not pants, not floor. Where does poo-poo go?
Poo-poo goes in the potty.

It's Friday night and we are hanging out at home. I have been with the boys all day and been a good mom, we went to the park and the mall, and I played with them all day so I am currently being hands off while Daddy takes point. Meanwhile I cannot help laughing.

Tom is playing with the dog and the rope, he accidentally pops Ryan in the face. Ryan immediately begins screaming. Jack goes over to the dog and preceeds to tell her
"NOT NICE CASEY, you go Time out."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


A pretty typical day, Jack went to daycare so Ryan and I got to sleep in. Which was very enjoyable. I took time to enjoy my little guy....boy is he growing and way too fast.

Jack's priceless moment was to wave a broom like a sword and say "Daddy you go sleepy now!"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More moments of motherhood

As I read through my parent’s magazine there was a snippet where they suggested writing down daily memories because your children grow up too fast and the things they say are precious etc...

In college I had a book that I wrote down the date and funny things people said so this idea was definitely something I was interested in. I figured rather than buy a journal (which I may still do) this was as good a place as any to log those Memories/moments.

6/22 My mom and I were taking the boys to my grandma's. I began singing along with the song. Mom and Jack were too. Jack announces "NOT you Mommy, only me and Shorty." My mother of course busts out laughing hysterically because when I was Jack's age I was a complete beast and would not let my mother or Grandmother sing to me. Apparently there is karma.
6/23 Jack decided fresh strawberries were the best and didn't mind if they were washed.
6/29 We take Uncle Tim to the airport for him to fly home to Florida. It was a long weekend and Jack fell asleep before we got to the airport so he did not get to say goodbye. He woke up when we were almost at the mall "Where Tim go?" I proceeded to tell him that Uncle Tim got on the airplane to go back to Florida. Jack began bawling...."I want him, Tim come back, no go Florida, etc." He seriously cried for about 15-20 minutes. Once we got to the mall we were doing some shopping when I got a phone call. Uncle Tim missed his flight. Great now he is going to think he can throw a fit and Uncle Tim will come back at any time. =)
6/30 On our way to the smokey mountains, or "MOKEY MnTains" Jack calls from the backseat I GO POTTY. Then promptly says I need fresh diaper...ya think?
7/1 Ryan earns the nickname Possum. Literally every time we lay him down to sleep he opens up those big BLUE eyes and smiles.
7/2 My sons take after their father. Jack "tooted" today and laughed. Ryan got laid down to sleep, of which he promptly woke up, smiled, lifted his leg and ripped a MAN fart. Yep, the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.
7/6 My boss asked me to come in and help with a master schedule. He told me that it was fine to bring the boys. So I did. As we are discussing school business, Jack announces I go poop, not once but about three different times. Professional huh?
7/7 Today I had to take the boys to the pediatrician. They both had ear infections which made for AWESOME moods on every bodies part. Let me tell you days like today make me realize why some animals eat their young. The cute thing was as Jack tried to play with the equipment in the doctor’s office, he told me "Not you Mommy, only doctors, not me, only doctors." Yes Jack that is right, as you pull out the stirrups that women love to put their legs in.