Saturday, June 28, 2008

Life is a Highway...

and sometimes it's a nice drive, others you are stuck in traffic or hit a roadblock.

My good friend Megan has been blogging for sometime now. It seems to be almost therapeutic for her. I keep thinking that I need to be writing more. Lucy Caulkins says to teach it you have to do it. 1:30 A.M I decided to try to take my mind off the horrible screaming match my husband I just had. So here I am.

Today I was told I could be George Carlin's daughter the way my thoughts are sometimes random and jump from one thing to the next. I guess that isn't too bad of a comment.
That was said after I asked, "If a girl has a sex change and becomes a guy can she/he have an erection? Or does it just stay hard all the time." Which was promptly answered with "How the heck should I know."
Then I proceeded to ask "Do you think they gave Baby Bear (of Sesame Street) a speech impediment on purpose?"

My friends and I went to dinner, had cocktails and then bowling. (The cocktails could have contributed to the screaming match but who knows) During conversation "The one that got a way." was mentioned. I realized I don't know if I have one, I guess I am lucky and caught the only one I really wanted to keep. But I think it would be nice to be thought of like that. Huh? I wonder if anyone thought of me like that.

Now for the fight. We were getting ready to leave the bowling alley at 11:30. A young woman walked in with friends and a baby about 6 months old. I pointed it out and my husband shook his head. I stated "that is too late for a baby that age to be out." He nodded. BUT then we get in the car. He proceeds to tell me I shouldn't pass judgement on someone, I don't know the circumstances. Okay yes, thank god she didn't leave the baby alone but I think when you choose to have a baby you choose to give up certain things. Like going out at a certain time with your child. (ours had a sitter) I guess the thing that got me fired up was he said "I didn't have the right to pass judgement or put my moral views on someone else." I didn't call CPS, I didn't holler at the bimbo, I commented to him. Now this is the same man who calls any parent without a phone a "crack head" but it was acceptable for her to do because it's not any worse than us taking our son to a restaurant at 8:00 where there is smoke.
Eventually we came to an agreement. He is an engineer; so there are things he knows more about like gravity, magnetism, electricity, etc. I don't try to argue about such things. Therefore I don't think he should try to tell a woman with two masters degrees in education and a extensive knowledge of child development. Am I wrong?

Hmmm, Megan may be on to something. I am feeling much better. I think my husband was drunk and dumb. I think I am right. I think I need sleep. Excuse the random thoughts of a crazy woman but this is my first crack at it. =)


Megan said...

Way to rock it, Shanny! I'm so proud of you. :) And I agree, it was way too late for that little one to be out, and I've never procreated in my life! :)

Anonymous said...

Good Lord!!!!! Now I have 2 blogs to read and enjoy.....When will I ever get things done...(not that I have lots to do but it sure helps me procrastinate!!!) Way to go Shanny....and yes I is too late to have a baby out. No matter what the circumstances are.

Anonymous said...

and yes the anony comment is from me....2-E :)