- It's Friday! TGIF, it has been a LONG week. Granted we didn't have school on Monday but it was a long week.
- Sleeping, I do very little of it, lately. Partly because I can't get comfortable and the other part is I am up constantly to pee. I also am I "hot" sleeper normally. Now that Duece is cooking right along I am getting hotter and hotter. To accomodate for this I have become a bed hopper. I literally change beds throughout the night looking for cold sheets. Once I am in a cold bed, I'm out for a little while. This may be putting a small damper on my marriage....or at least my husband's favorite part of the marriage but hey what's a girl going to do. Plus as much as I love snuggling it's way more comfortable to have a bed to yourself.
- A good friend is our school social worker. We always joke that some people think that she does nothing but get mannie's and pedi's all day. As a special education teacher, I have realized that some people think that of me. That or they think I have the kids coloring, sorting crayons, making pot-holders and licking paste. ---- Just for references I do try to teach. I realize that they may not learn a lot, it may not be quality, but damn it we're trying. =)
- Keeping my pants up. As my "many" readers know I have trouble keeping my pants up. Some will say it is because I have no butt. I guess I agree. I had to buy a new pair of maternity jeans because my jeans from when I was pregnant with Jack will NOT stay up to save my life. These new ones were perfect. So I bought a second pair, EXACTLY the same!!!! And you know what?? They will not stay up!!!!! When does a girl get a break?
I suppose I should get to work now. Oh and by the way, my oldest child made another train extravaganza last night.
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