Sunday, May 16, 2010


Ryan started out with two teeth. They seemed to come early and always in pairs. At 13 months old he has 10, including 2 molars. He started biting Mommy about six months. He quickly realized that, that was not such a good idea.

On the other hand he also quickly learned biting his brother was a good idea. Ryan is pretty laid back which is a good thing because his older brother frequently mauls him, loves him into submission, and basically beats on him regularly. However as Ryan has gotten a little older he is starting to get a mind for himself. When Jack will take toys he grunts, crys, screams etc. Then one day he discovered that if he bites Jack; he gets the toy back, Jack cries, and leaves him alone.

As a parent I know I need to teach Ryan that biting is not nice, especially since he went to school and bit his friend Max, but I also understand that he is defending himself. What is funny is that Ryan has only bit Jack twice but all he has to do is open his mouth and lean towards Jack and Jack immediately screams and runs away. I can almost hear the Jaws soundtrack as it happens.

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