Friday, December 5, 2008


As my dedicated readers know =) I am with child. With that comes a variety of "fun" things.

1. I smell things that should not be smelled. Most people notice stuff but my sniffer is on super duty.
  • This morning I walked down the hall near 2e's room and it smelled like vomit.
  • One of my students sitting next to me smelled like urine
  • I walked into a classroom and said "What is that smell?" the teacher quickly laughed explained someone had farted. Nice and I could still smell it.

2. I have become slightly more sensitive (or at least I did) and they set me off either making me furious or want to cry.

  • Some little stinker said "You aint pregnant you just fat."
  • Another vile little thing asked "Who the baby daddy?"
  • My husband didn't get the diapers or dinner like I had asked.
  • The nurse when trying to find my utureus commented that I was "fluffy"

News flash people hormones are on a high alert. I know that I have extra baggage!!! But is it too much to ask to be nice?? A little more sensitive??? Well on the positive side only 20 more weeks of this.

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