Monday, July 14, 2008

Prozac Nation

So I am willing to admit that I have been among the medicated since 03, which is quite a long time. My doctor recommended that come summer I might try to go off my anti-depressant since I was on such a low dose and I seemed to be doing well. I thought about it and way. I know I am crazy and the medicine helps me be well less crazy and I really didn't want to go back to feeling as crappy as I once did. With that being said, it's summer.

I am not in a routine so to speak so I have forgotten to take my medicine pretty frequently. After realizing that it had been a week I consciously decided to try to live with out. So far so good I haven't hurt anyone or myself =) but now anytime I am annoyed, bugged, insecure, etc I don't know if I am justified or if it the lack of the extra serotonin (or shoudl I say the normal amount that the medication provided) in my brain.

Needless to say this constant questioning my make me go back on. =)

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