Sunday, October 19, 2008

life with a toddler

So everyday is a new adventure...or at least a comic episode. The following are just two examples of how our weekend went.

Jack has taken an interest in "potty", which I am in favor of. I potty-trained early so my hope is that my son is not like most boys and is easily potty trained. He has yet to actually use the potty however he has been telling us after he does his business and then asks for the potty. SO we have been indulging. He also has been making sure that his doll "Franky" goes potty too. Which generally means he takes Franky's very expensive diapers off, takes him in the bathroom and holds him over the toilet. He then wipes Franky's crotch with toilet paper and throws it in the toilet. He has done this several times. My mistake was leaving him unattended in the bathroom so I could call Tom in to see how cute this was. When I arrived back in the bathroom, literally 2 seconds later, Franky was fully submerged in the toilet! When I said "What are you doing? Franky doesn't go IN the potty." Jack looked up at me with those sweet innocent eyes and said "Baff."

Then today we decided that we should go to church. Jack was being very good, sitting by himself. But he is in this independent stage in which he constantly says "No mama, me." This translates to "I want to do it by myself." So like all good Catholic masses we were up and down, so Jack of course had to get up and down from the pew all by himself. I am sure all of you can imagine where this is going....well he lost his balance and did a perfect fact plant on the leg of the kneeler. He now has a huge purple bruise on his right cheek. But after the crying stopped we went back in. When we were kneeling, he of course had to do it too. I was trying to hold on to him so that he didn't fall again. I swear he said "I fine, mama." as he pushed my hands away. I of course still hovered but would you expect any less?

Needless to say my sweet little boy is very independent and smart. Pray for me! =)

1 comment:

Megan said...

That is STINKIN' funny. I love the doll's name, too. Franky.